Pre-clinical and clinical research has shown that small, daily oral amounts of specialized hemp-extract high in cannabidiol (THCV) and cannabidivarin (CBDV)) have consistent effects of Weight Loss, and Reduction in Abdominal Girth, Blood Sugar (A1c) and Blood Lipid Ratios.

 Studies show that the primary active ingredient for weight loss and metabolic benefits is THCV. THCV acts by blocking the cannabinoid one (CB1) receptor in the brain and in the gut (pancreas, liver and intestinal tract). CB1 blockade switches the body into the ‘fasting’ state so that the body preferentially uses stored fat in the abdomen.

 By blocking the CB1 receptor, the brain orchestrates various activities in the body so that fat is used first.  The insulin receptors on muscles become more sensitive resulting in decreased blood sugars, decreased insulin excretion, and our liver modifies the ratio of good to bad cholesterol (LDL/HDL) and we stop producing ‘hunger pangs.’

 Varin’s patented muco-adhesive delivery platform (oral strip) gently adheres to the mucus membranes under the tongue.  Varin’s SKINNY STRIPS® cause polymers within the “oral strip” to swell in saliva; and, thus, allows for maximum absorption.  The “oral strip’s” extended interaction with the mouth results in enhanced bioavailability and optimum concentration of actives in the blood as well significantly improving speed to performance.